Ok so in the last 168+ hrs of my life, I have slept for 16 of them... But I am proud, proud that I got my work done, proud that I have a very good chance at another straight A semester, and for the first time since I started here at MCAD, proud of ALL of the work I have put out for the end of the semester. The thing that has me the most joyous is my Animation Collab. team. I could never have begged for a better set of members to direct. The dedication was spot on (email was not, lol) the teamwork was hard at times but existent, and the final piece is amazing. Sam, Cheston, Jane, Sarita, Miriam, and Sara, if you guys ever need anything, never hesitate to ask. It was just such a great experience working with everyone. Thanks for the reminder why I became an animator in the first place.
Rough final animation
Process book
Most of Rich Girl animation
Complete Identity Package
This website
I feel Good... tired and smelly... but good