Finally the month of May is over. OMfrigginG what a month. There were so many deadlines running one after another that at one point I literally lost track of days, almost going into a panic attack on sending stuff out to clients. But it's all done, and thank goodness for that. That's not to say we're out of the woods yet, in fact, not by a long shot. We still have cons to prep for this summer, a couple of big ones to boot, and commission work that still needs finishing. Today though I was bad...I took a few hours off and worked on something silly just because I wanted to. So I came up with this
Our reaction after buying new art supplies lol! |
It's SO silly and meme'd to hell but I couldn't help it, it was just too funny to me, lol! And with that out of my system, I think I'm ready to tackle actual work artwork, lol!