Woke up feeling cruddy; too awake to sleep but too tired to be productive. So, instead of staying lazy I spent the morning sketching on PS to warm myself up to get commissions done. Decided to venture into some unfamiliar brushes (the ones that actually looked like brushes on the left side of the screen when I clicked on them) and I really liked some of the results!
some fuzzy charcoal brushes with varying roughness. It took forever to get a mark! |
Wetter, smudgier. Much easier to mark. Square charcoal pencil. I think, LOL! |
Wanted to draw another dude since that last one was fugly. More of the charcoal pencil, with another charcoal texture. |
What's a sketch without the typical eye sketch? LOL! I was playing strictly with the pencils. I love love love the layering effects with them!! The pit oil pencil I think is one of my favorites. Love the texture it gives! |
Softer pencil, but still had a real light touch to it. After a few minutes, I liked where it was going, so I decided to flesh it out some more. |
Still using the pencils just varying the size and angle of the brush, using color this time. It ended up very fashion sketchy! |
All in all I'm very happy with the experiments and I'm looking forward to playing with these new brushes some more! Maybe even save some with custom presets; I keep forgetting how to save altered brush settings, then I forget which brush I was using that I really liked and what I did to it. I spend half my time trying to find it, and when I do I forget to save again! It's a vicious cycle LOL
I know the feeling! I always forget which fancy brush I used and what changes were made, too. So frustrating! Thanks for sharing your morning sketches-- It's inspiring to see what can be done when one pushes past the cruddy morning feelings!